Music and Rehearsal audios
This page has the score and rehearsal audios by part for various pieces of music for many of our past events or service. This material may be freely downloaded and shared, and these rehearsal aids used, for any non-commercial purpose.
Psalm Settings
Psalm 116 to Clare in D (transposed)
Psalm sung to ALTO (to show word fit) for harmony verses only
Anthems & Sacred Choral
Love of the Father, Love of God the Son, Gibbons Song 22
Remember not, Lord, our offences, Purcell
See the leaves, Horne/Broderip
Preces and Responses
Mass (Communion) settings
More Hymns (words and music only)
In most cases edited to restore the original words and settings as first published.
All people that on earth do dwell
Alleluia, sing to Jesus
And can it be, that I should gain
Blessed Assurance, Jesus is mine
Eternal Father ! Strong to save
Father of Heaven ! whose love profound
Forty days and forty nights
Guide me O Thou Great Jehovah
Hail ! Gladdening light, of His pure glory poured
How firm a foundation
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty !
How joyful 'tis to sing
How shall I sing that majesty
Hushed was the evening hymn
Jesu, lover of my soul
Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us
Let all the world in ev'ry corner sing
Love Divine, all Loves excelling
Master, the tempest is raging
My God my Life my Love
Nearer, my God, to thee
O for a thousand Tongues to sing O God, our Help in Ages past
O Jesus, I have promised
O Lord my God ! When I in awesome wonder
O Thou who camest from above
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven
Praise, O praise our God and King
Ride on ! Ride on in majesty !
Summer suns are glowing
The Church's one foundation
The day Thou gavest,Lord, is ended
The King of love my Shepherd is
The Lord's my shepherd, I'le not want
To God be the glory, great things he hath done
What a friend we have in Jesus
When I survey the wond'rous Cross
When peace, like a river, attendeth my way
Who would true valour see